Am I Broken? A Guide to Healing From Your Past

am i broken

It’s devastating to know that over half of young Americans are struggling with feelings of hopelessness and sadness.

Feeling broken is a heavy burden that people of all ages carry in their lives. The weight of traumas and the scars they leave can sometimes make us question our own worth and sanity. It’s a normal human experience to ask yourself at least once, “Am I broken?”

Looking after your mental wellness plays a crucial role in your ability to heal from these traumas. Are you looking forward to starting the journey of healing and rediscovering your inner strength? Read on for a full breakdown of recovering from all kinds of traumas in life.

Am I Broken? Understanding the Feeling of Brokenness

Feeling broken is a profound emotion that can consume your thoughts and actions. It may stem from past traumas, unresolved pain, or unhealed wounds. This feeling can manifest in various ways, including the following:

  • Overwhelming sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Self-doubt
  • A pervasive sense of hopelessness

It’s important to identify and embrace this feeling. You are not alone, and you are not irreparably damaged.

Mental Health and Healing

Mental health is the foundation of your ability to start healing your broken heart or traumas. We all know that our physical health demands care, attention, and treatment when necessary. So does your mental health.

Seeking help from mental health professionals can provide you with the necessary tools to navigate the journey of healing from trauma. Therapy and counseling offer a safe space to explore your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It’ll help you identify the sources of your brokenness so you can work through them.

Unpacking Past Traumas

Past traumas often serve as the root cause of feeling broken. These traumas can range from childhood experiences to more recent events, and they affect our lives in profound ways. The first step in healing is to confront these traumas and bring them to the surface.

This can be a challenging and emotional process, but it’s necessary to move forward. In therapy, you can explore these traumas and begin to understand how they have shaped your perception of yourself and the world around you.

Acceptance and Self-Compassion

Healing from trauma isn’t a linear process, and it often demands time and patience. One crucial aspect of this journey is learning to accept yourself as you are and practicing self-compassion.

It’s easy to be hard on yourself and blame yourself for the past. Self-compassion allows you to recognize that you’re doing your best. By acknowledging your pain and forgiving yourself for perceived shortcomings, you can begin to mend your broken heart.

Building a Support System

You don’t have to go through the process of healing from past traumas alone. Building a support system is essential for your mental health and recovery. Give yourself permission to be vulnerable with friends and family who are understanding and empathetic.

These connections can offer a sense of belonging, validation, and love that are vital in the healing process. Support groups or online communities with shared experiences can also give you the sense of belonging that you’re craving.

Coping Mechanisms

Developing healthy coping mechanisms is another key component of healing. Don’t turn to destructive habits like seeking out toxic relationships or self-medicating with substances. Find constructive ways to deal with your pain instead.

Activities like meditation, exercise, journaling, and creative expression can help you process your emotions and provide a positive outlet for your feelings. They can contribute to your overall mental wellness and help you pull yourself together again.

Set Realistic Goals

Set realistic goals for yourself, and don’t expect immediate or continuous progress. Healing from past traumas can be slow and challenging, and that’s completely normal.

By acknowledging your progress, no matter how small, you can light a fire under yourself to keep moving forward.

Forgiving Others and Letting Go

Forgiveness could be what you need to heal. It doesn’t mean condoning or forgetting the actions of those who hurt you. Forgiving them can release the hold their actions have on your heart and mind.

Letting go of resentment and anger allows you to focus on your own healing and growth. Keep in mind that forgiveness is a special gift that’s only meant for yourself, not the person who’s hurt you.

Find Purpose and Meaning

As you progress on your healing journey, you may find that seeking purpose and meaning in your life is a significant part of the process. Engaging in activities or causes that align with your values can provide a sense of fulfillment and direction.

This renewed sense of purpose can help you mend your broken heart and fuel your continued healing.

Professional Help

Being guided by a mental health professional is a crucial step in healing from traumas. These professionals are trained to help you navigate your emotional landscape and provide you with the tools to heal.

They can also assist in addressing any mental health conditions that may have arisen from your past traumas.

The Importance of Self-Care

Taking care of your wellness on every level is vital on your journey to mend your brokenness. Prioritize self-care routines that include the following:

  • Adequate sleep
  • A diet bursting with nutrients
  • Fun and regular exercise
  • Relaxation techniques like meditation

This holistic approach can significantly impact your mental health and healing process.

Celebrate Your Progress

You owe it to yourself to cheer for any bit of progress you make, even if it seems insignificant. Healing from past traumas can take lots of people a bunch of time. This is why it’s vital to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments each step of the way.

Each step forward, each day with reduced pain, and each moment of self-compassion is a victory in your healing journey. Acknowledging these successes can boost your self-esteem and motivation.

Practicing Mindfulness

One effective strategy for healing from your past is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment by paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment.

By adding this to your daily life, you can better understand how your past experiences may still be affecting you and learn to let go of negative patterns. You can incorporate mindfulness into your healing process by doing the following:

Mindful Activities

Engage in everyday activities with full attention. Whether it’s eating, walking, or simply being, practice being fully present in the moment. This can help you break free from rumination about the past.


Mindfulness encourages self-compassion, allowing you to be kinder to yourself and forgive yourself for any past mistakes or regrets. Treat yourself with the same amount of love and patience that you would give to a close friend.


Keep a journal to reflect on your emotions and thoughts as they relate to your past. This can provide insights into your healing journey and help you identify areas that need further attention.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is a fundamental aspect of maintaining one’s mental and emotional wellness. It entails establishing limits and guidelines for how you permit others to treat you and how you engage with the world. Here are some essential points about setting healthy boundaries:


At its core, healthy boundaries begin with self-respect. Recognizing your own worth and value empowers you to set boundaries that safeguard your emotional and mental health.

Effective Communication

Convey your boundaries to others in a clear and assertive way. Expressing your needs with openness and honestness is key. It fosters mutual understanding and respect.

Saying No

Embrace the art of saying “no.” It’s always acceptable to decline requests or demands that conflict with your wellness or values. Saying no is an act of self-care.

Protecting Your Energy

Boundaries serve as a safeguard for your emotional and mental energy. They prevent you from overextending yourself and feeling drained by ensuring you have the resources to focus on what matters.

Respecting Others’ Boundaries

It’s paramount to also honor others’ boundaries. This reciprocal respect is the foundation of healthy and respectful relationships.

Adjusting Boundaries

Boundaries aren’t rigid; they can adapt as your needs and circumstances change. Feel free to modify your boundaries to align with your evolving requirements.


Setting boundaries is an act of self-care. It enables you to safeguard your mental and emotional well-being, reduce stress, and cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Healing from Addiction: A Journey to Recovery

Addiction is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of individuals around the world. It doesn’t discriminate, and its impact can be devastating. There is hope, though, and healing from addiction is not only possible but also transformative.

Healing can be affordable by researching AHCCCS. Here’s how you can explore the journey of healing from addiction and the steps involved in achieving recovery:

Acknowledging the Problem

Embracing the fact that there’s a problem will set you up for success. This moment of self-awareness can be the most challenging since it requires admitting that you have lost control over a substance or behavior. However, it’s a vital step that makes your healing journey possible.

Seeking Professional Help

Letting addiction specialists and other brilliant experts take the reins can be enlightening during your process of recovering. These professionals can provide you with guidance, support, and evidence-based treatments. You won’t have to feel broken anymore after this type of help.

Going Through Detoxification

For many substances, the journey to healing begins with detoxification. This process involves ridding your body of the substance you are addicted to. It can be physically and emotionally challenging, and it’s often done under medical supervision to ensure your safety.

Getting Therapy and Counseling

Therapy and counseling are integral components of addiction recovery. They help you address the underlying emotional and psychological issues that could have encouraged you to use substances in the first place. With therapy, you’ll gain better ways to cope with stress, trauma, and life’s challenges so you can avoid a relapse.

Support Systems

Building a strong support system is crucial for healing from addiction. Loved ones and support groups can offer emotional support, understanding, and a sense of belonging. These connections can be your safety net in times of weakness and can help you stay on the path to recovery.

Learning Relapse Prevention

Relapse is a common part of the recovery process for many individuals. However, it doesn’t mean you have failed. It’s important to learn from a relapse and use it as an opportunity for growth.

Understanding the triggers and situations that can lead to relapse is crucial. Relapse prevention strategies are always there to keep you out of harm’s way.

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Healing from addiction often involves adopting a healthier lifestyle. These changes can improve your whole physical and mental wellness and help you resist the urge to return to addictive behaviors.

Finding Purpose and Meaning

Recovery is not just about abstaining from the addictive substance or behavior; it’s also about finding purpose and meaning in life. Exploring new activities that bring you joy and fulfillment can replace the void left by addiction.

Rediscovering your passions, pursuing education, or giving back to your community are all ways to build a meaningful life in recovery.

Long-Term Maintenance

Recovery from addiction is a lifelong journey. Once you’ve achieved sobriety or recovery, it’s essential to continue with long-term maintenance strategies. This may involve ongoing therapy, attending support groups, and checking in with your support system.

It’s a commitment to your wellness and a constant effort to maintain your healing.

You Don’t Have to Feel Broken Forever

Feeling broken is a heavy burden, but it’s not a life sentence. Asking yourself, “Am I broken?” is a normal and treatable thing. Your past doesn’t define your future, and you have the power to rebuild and emerge stronger than ever with these guidelines.

If you’ve been feeling broken due to addiction struggles, then it’s never too late to get professional help. Exploring rehab options will allow you to find the greatest solution for your unique circumstances. Contact Purpose Healing Center to get in touch with one of our team members who can walk you through our treatment options.