Unbeaten Benzo Detox in Phoenix

Unbeaten Benzo Detox in Phoenix

A Proven Medical Detox for Benzos in the Valley

Purpose Healing Center is a preeminent rehab for benzo detox in Phoenix with the lowest relapse rates. Our customized treatment approach and dedicated staff have helped hundreds of individuals battling addiction attain a safe, speedy, and sustainable recovery.

Keep reading to learn more about the benzodiazepine withdrawal process and get proven support options at Purpose Healing Center today!

What are the Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal?

Over time, benzo users’ bodies start developing an increased tolerance, causing the addict to use the drug in higher doses to feel high. Quitting the drug cold turkey can cause withdrawal symptoms, which can be painful, unpleasant, and in some cases, dangerous. Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms can vary from one person to another and can come and go.

Typically, withdrawal symptoms manifest within one to three days of quitting the drug and can last ten days or more depending on the benzo used, frequency of use, and the amount abused. Some of the withdrawal symptoms include:

The psychological withdrawal symptoms include hallucinations, psychosis or psychotic reactions, increased risk of suicide, and rebound anxiety. Recovering addicts must seek benzo detox in Phoenix from a licensed rehab center to overcome the withdrawal phase safely.

Get Accredited Treatment Programs at Purpose

How Long Do Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

Benzo withdrawal timeline infographic from Purpose Healing Center and our unbeaten benzo detox program

The withdrawal symptoms for shorter-acting benzos start within 6 to 8 hours after the last use. For longer-acting benzos, the symptoms begin within 1-2 days. The withdrawal symptoms of short-acting benzos are more intense and severe compared to long-acting benzos.

Doctors also prescribe Benzodiazepines to treat mental health conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, depression, and insomnia. Discontinuing benzo use can cause increased anxiety or restlessness in patients. The psychiatric symptoms, also known as the rebound effect, can last for 2 to 3 days.

You must stay under the close supervision of a clinical team in a fully-equipped detox treatment facility to help you manage the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms safely.

Effectively Managing the Benzo Detox Process

Our Benzo detox process

The first stage of our detox process involves eliminating the drug from the client’s system. Our licensed physician administers the medical detox process and closely monitors the recovering person for life-threatening symptoms, such as seizures and suicidal ideation.

Medical detox flushes out the toxins from the user’s system, reduces their pain and discomfort during recovery, and minimizes their relapse risk. In some cases, the detox involves a tapering down mechanism where our physician may prescribe less potent benzo to help patients gradually overcome their addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

This can help with much of the discomfort associated with detoxification from benzodiazepines, including such uncomfortable symptoms as benzo belly, a distended stomach encountered during withdrawal by some with a dependence on these potent anti-anxiety medications.

The Tapering Options at Our Benzo Detox in Phoenix

Our facilities use Benzos such as diazepam (Valium) or clonazepam (Klonopin) during the detox process because they are less potent and mimic the drug’s effects, keeping withdrawal symptoms at bay. 

We also use Buspirone and Flumazenil medications to minimize the severity of our patients’ withdrawal symptoms. We are aldo one of the few rehabs to offer around-the-clock medical care to patients at our Joint Commission-accredited and medically supervised detox.

Reach Out for Support and Put Benzos in the Past

Call 480-579-3319 to begin your journey toward sobriety at Purpose. Our benzo detox and rehab in Phoenix can help you overcome the unpleasant and dangerous withdrawal phase safely and prepare you for long-term success with sobriety. 

Whether for yourself or a loved one, you deserve a setting that is safe and offers evidence-based care during the benzo detox process.

At Purpose Healing Center we are one of the top rehabs to offer customized detox treatment for benzo addiction. Make the confidential call today, and get a safe and proven path to a life without the need for benzodiazepines!